Keynote Speaking Engagements

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Inspiring keynotes on innovation, human-centred design and problem-solving

WAVE’s innovation and human-centred design experts are available to speak at your events. Our keynotes can ignite an innovation mindset or generate excitement about the potential of human-centred design to create competitive advantage.

Our speakers have years of in-the-trenches experience alongside government, businesses and not-for-profits. They’re also academics whose courses are popular because of their ability to bring innovation, growth and human-centred design to life with relatable examples of triumph and disaster. We can tailor our topics to suit the challenge you’re facing and offer the option to include workshop elements for hands-on learning.

Your Speaker | Dr. Munib Karavdic

Internationally acclaimed. Munib is an internationally acclaimed speaker on innovation and design and has delivered keynote addresses at many industry conferences and forums in Australia and around the world.

From strategy to implementation. Munib Karavdic helps leaders and their organisations to innovate and drive change with confidence from strategy to implementation. In his venture, WAVE Design, he brings a sharp commercial edge and reliability through a scalable, repeatable methodology to innovation through human-centred design (HCD). He helps companies design strategies, business models, products and services that help organisations unlock their potential.

Award winning. Through his senior executive positions, Munib has led award-winning design and innovation teams, which resulted in a portfolio of innovative products and services, creating a cultural shift across all businesses in several top-20 ASX companies. Under his leadership, his team received an award for product and service design by Good Design Australia as well as an award for best practice in establishing design & innovation capabilities in large organisations by Design Management Institute in the USA.

Speaking Topics



Innovation Leadership: A mindset shift required

Transform from a ‘knower’ into a ‘learner’ leader mindset. A focus on Innovation becomes mainstream for successful businesses. Leaders must have a clear picture of why their company needs to focus on Innovation and how it should be implemented. At its core, successful and impactful innovation comes down to whether or not leaders have the right innovation mindset. The critical questions we need to ask ourselves if we want to be dynamic innovators are: 1) do I have the right mindset, and 2) if not, how to get there.



Leading innovation from “Point Zero”

The role of Innovation in generating growth is proven, and success is heavily dependent on how it is embedded in the organisation. To make it sustainable, it is necessary to build internal capabilities and processes for innovation implementation. Unfortunately, many organisations ‘cut corners’ when establishing this function and they ‘backfired’ later with unsatisfactory outcomes. This presentation will guide leaders in what they need to consider while building these capabilities.


Managing innovation risk: Innovation isn’t as big a leap as you think

Companies often underestimate their ability to create or acquire new ideas and overestimate their ability to implement them. Therefore, instead of hoping that our business case will solve our problem based on assumptions (‘leap of faith’), we will present the approach to focus on the right problem (‘leaps of logic’) by applying human-centred design.

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Driving experimentation culture

It is very risky to move into implementation directly off the back of a freshly developed idea. While it is essential to understand what people think and say, we will only understand their real intent by watching what they do. Experimentation through prototyping is helping us to understand in a very cost effective way to observe what people really do. One of the key benefits of the prototyping phase is to validate our assumptions, which in turn reduces the risk of investing money in an aspect of our solution where people don’t see the value.

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Three types of innovation-committed CEOs

There are 3 different types of innovation leaders, but only one that is effective at achieving longterm, sustainable growth. Which type are you? Sustainable innovation programs start with leadership vision and alignment. In this discussion we explore the key attributes of each leadership type, and which is most effective in achieving the ultimate outcomes for an organisational growth strategy. We also explore different scenarios to help develop a more effective innovation mindset.

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Interested? Get in touch

Let’s start a conversation around the opportunities to have one of our experience innovation experts speak at your next event. Complete the form below and one our our team will be in touch promptly.